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In this animated documentary, Élodie tries to find out more about her familyʼs Armenian origins. She interviews her father, her uncle, her great aunt, and discovers a harsh history where violence and the inability to express love are passed down from generation to generation.
Armat / Élodie Dermange / 2022 / 11 min.
Slovak, English
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One World in Short
Family, Mental health
Other movies

In this blend of reality and fiction, live action and felted animation two friends born 67 years apart share their life stories every week in a senior homeʼs living room. The younger friend convinces the 107-year-old lady to join her in an adventure: a road trip to the sea.

In the early 90’s, women left Moldova in large numbers to provide for their families. Unable to return home, they found a peculiar way to stay in touch: sending large cardboard boxes filled with gifts and food you could only dream about in those days. In return, their children would send videotapes. This exchange became …

Theatre of Violence is a true crime documentary film about Ugandan Defence Lawyer, Kristpus Ayana, who decides to defend the former child soldier, Dominique Ongwen, at one of the world’s biggest legal institutions, The International Criminal Court in The Hague. Charged with crimes against humanity the verdict will set precedent, but the case is also …