Všetci ľudia budú bratia
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During the liberalization of the 1960s, Alexander Dubček, the leader of the Prague Spring, advocated the idea of “socialism with a human face” that was eventually crushed by Soviet tanks in 1968. In the subsequent all-pervading darkness, Dubčekʼs face became a symbol. In All Men Become Brothers, Slovak director Robert Kirchhoff examines this enduring symbol and pieces together the story of the “Dubček face”: the face of a visionary and a Party Secretary, an ideal and the reality, the absolute and the relative, the elite and the ordinary, the official and the private, the global and the local, the powerful and the helpless, the victorious and the defeated. We witness his life through first-hand accounts, starting from the utopian commune in Kyrgyzstan where he grew up, through his tenure as the leader of the Prague Spring, his subsequent period as a dissident marked by internal exile, and ending with his comeback into top-level politics after the Velvet Revolution in 1989 as well as his tragic death.
The screening of this film will take place at the Domec OZ Vagus located at: Mýtna 2892/33, 81107, Bratislava.
The screening is followed with a Q&A with the film’s dirctor Robert Kirchhoff.
Všetci ľudia budú bratia / Robert Kirchhoff / 2023 / 116 min.
Slovakia, Czech Republic
Slovak, Czech, Italian, Russian, Kyrgyz
Slovak, English
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Slovakia and Czech Republic for Human Rights
History, Political regimes
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