Wielding an inquisitive camera and crafting a kaleidoscope of vignettes, Jessica Kingdon’s debut feature film is a visceral exploration of contemporary China’s identity and the paradoxes of economic progress. Deftly observing factory workers create everything from binoculars to sex dolls, the film tracks the collective pursuit of professional success in a communist society. With pathos and humor, Kingdon captures the intense physical demands, aggressive corporate policies, and creative collaboration that fuel the ever-expanding labor force of the People’s Republic of China. The filmmaker leaves you to ponder the costs of commodification while also shining a light on the resiliency of the human spirit.
We are screening this film inclusively. The film includes special subtitles and audio commentary through headphones – the screening can also be attended by people with hearing and visual impairments.
There will be Masterclass with the director Jessica Kingdon after the screening. More information is here.
Ascension / Jessica Kingdon / USA, China / 2021 / 97 min.
Political regimes and conflicts
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