Café Europe: Europe after the War
Katarína Mathernová, European Commission in Slovakia
Tomáš Bokor, Slovak Aid
Alexander Duleba, Slovak Foreign Policy Association
Moderated by Andrea Najvirtová (People in Need)
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has put the European Union in the spotlight. Many countries now perceive it not only as an economic space that provides opportunities for a better quality of life, but also as a geopolitical player that can contribute to the security and protection of sovereignty of smaller countries. It also provides an environment for the secure development of its member states.
This year, representatives of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova have applied to join the EU. What are their perspectives? What can this type of membership bring to the people of these countries and, in particular, what is the role of Slovakia, which has relatively recent experience of transition and EU accession?
The discussion will take place on 10th November at 4:30 PM in A4–priestor súčasnej kultúry.
Free entry
Language of the event: Slovak
You can watch an online live stream on our Facebook.
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